Hi Everyone,
The Junior Crew have gone PowerPoint crazy! Over the past two weeks we have learned how to copy and paste pictures, type in text, create special effects and even insert sound files. I am amazed at how quickly the kids have developed their skills using this program and how well they have made connections and transferred these skills to other applications.
I was also pleased to discover that our Friends in Siberia have received the package of books and music that we sent to them a few weeks ago. One of the best things about blogging is how it helps us to connect with new Friends from all around the world. If you would like to read their post about our package click on the hyperlink or on the puzzle pieces.
This week I received an email from Jim Spiralis from the Department of Education and Children's service, Special Education Resource Unit in South Australia. Jim wanted to let us know that our network of blogs has been cited as a special education resource for teachers in that state. Jim also invited me to present at the Special Education EXPO in Hindmarsh South Australia in July next year. I am so excited!
As most of you know, this year I have been completing post graduate studies in Autism Spectrum Disorder. My last lecture was on Saturday. I have made some very special connections with lecturers and teachers who have shared the journey with me which I hope will continue for years to come.
The course has meant that I have had to spend a considerable time away from The Junior Crew this year while I have been completing practicum placements and visiting other schools to provide mentoring and coaching services. While I have been away the children have been learning how to connect with some amazing casual relief teachers and learning how to cope with change. I am so grateful to this group of talented and caring people who have treated my class as if they were their own.